I just wanted to give a few short notes of caution for people wanting to buy electronics, hardware or home appliances in Japan.
Just be sure to check the following matters before handing over your credit card:
- Is the voltage the same as your home country ?
- Will the instructions be provided in English?
- Does the warranty cover offices in your home country?
- Will you need to purchase additional accessories ( such as games or headphones etc) and are they accessible in your home country?
It can be disappointing for many people who think that Japanese electronics will be cheaper. I actually don’t find that to be the case for me, however, there are newer models of most options (but that often means, because it is the latest, it will have the price tag to match.
Can I buy an iphone in Japan ?
Technically yes – but you will need to ask if it will work overseas.
Also, f you buy a phone in Japan, the camera will make a shutter noise when you take a picture. It’s a legal requirement in Japan. It can’t be switched off. (I’m quite used to it now.)
Will I be able to buy Nintendo DS games in Japan ?
Even if you have a Nintendo that you purchased overseas, yes – you can buy physical games (the game chips) in Japan and still use them. However, it needs to be the physical games. AND please be aware that the game may not have an English language option.
Please note that Nintendo games in Japan are rarely cheaper than overseas – however they do have games in Japan that haven’t yet been released overseas. The Nintendo accessories are also excellent (we love looking at all of the accessories in our closest Yodobashi Camera or Bic Camera stores.)