Since I started blogging about life as a parent in Japan, its amazing just how many messages I get where people ask about what I need to get my kids for school, what nappies etc I use and even what is in the fridge.
So I’m going to put my kiddie/baby related stuff up here now.
Some of them aren’t particularly interesting or international but since people ask… this is what we use.
If you’d like to read about my kids’ favourite snacks in Japan – the packets without English anyway.
Baby Food
In rural areas, baby food and snacks aren’t always found in supermarkets.
You will have more luck in a drugstore, a baby goods store like AkachanHompo, or even some stores like Yodobashi Camera or BIC Camera.
See here for more information on buying baby food in Japan.
Nappies /Diapers
If you’re wondering where to buy diapers in Tokyo? I recommend, regardless of where you are – googling either Babies R Us, Toys R Us or AkachanHonpo (kind of like a Japanese version of Toys R Us.) These shops are spread around the city pretty well so you could take a cab there in an emergency. Or if its less of an emergency, you could ask where the closest drugstore is. Drugstore is pronounced drugstore here (dorraggu sutoaa) and see what sizes they have on offer.
We buy Merries nappies. Best quality nappies we have ever found.
I buy ours on Amazon.

For even more detailed information on purchasing diapers in Japan, see my more detailed post here.
And for wipes we buy Kirkland or Pampers (purchased at Costco or Amazon Japan)
Drink bottle holders
For my daughter’s class, they need to have a strap on their drink bottle ( so they can carry their own drink to the park.)
Most kids just seem to have their bottles in a little snuggly case like this . I got this one on Amazon. You can enter 水筒ホルダー ストラップ付き in the search function to see what they have now.
Mosquito ‘bite’ cream (after bites.)
My daughter gets eaten alive by Japanese mosquitos.
When they beat me to the bug spray this is what we use to help with the itchy spots. I even send her to school with it sometimes.
These jelly sandals called ‘Hawkins.’
I buy them every Summer (sometimes multiple pairs at a time.)
They are sold at ABC Mart (warning the stores in Harajuku and Shibuya stores don’t ordinarily stock children’s shoes. The department store ABC Mart’s are the best options. They cost between 2000-3000 yen.
Spoon, Fork & Chopstick set
I love buying these for my kids but also for gifts to take to Australia and Scotland for christmas etc. I purchased mine on good old trusty Amazon Japan ( although most big department stores and toys’r’us , akachan hompo & some 300 yen stores also have a good selection for sale. ) If you pop in スプーン フォーク セット 子供 ( even just cut and paste that ) into Amazon, a massive selection pops up.
100 yen shoe clips
My friend Alicia has these 100 yen shoe clips from Daiso. For little babies? Genius!!!! No more lost shoes!
Japanese baby carriers
It makes me question why baby carriers aren’t available in beautiful colours around the rest of the world. Isn’t this just so pretty?
This purple option below is by a company called Sunbeach. There are lots of options on Rakuten (online) or you can see a selection for yourself in Akachan Hompo baby stores or a smaller selection in Toys’R’Us.
Snoopy Bus (Double-Decker) Lunch Box
This is what my little boy uses as his lunchbox at nursery school. It’s so so cute.
I bought this at the Sanrio Store in Ginza.