I always get “singers block” (thats a thing, right?) at Karaoke – and I can never ever, ever remember which songs I wanted to sing.
There’s the time pressure, the “quick get your turn sorted”.. the songs that you love may not be big in Japan…. and then …well there is the booze too…. and then the next day when it’s all over I can think of one thousand different song options ! Gaahhh!!
So I’m writing this for myself more than anything actually.
Judge away but I also have the list in my phone (coz I’m actually THAT cool) to stop me from having to scroll through my Apple Music playlist on my phone.
These songs I’ve found to be at all the main karaoke chains.
I go in waves but these are my current faves.
*Keep in mind that this is nothing about talent. These are the fun/funny/ get everyone involved songs that I like. I also won’t bore you with my standard 4-5 Japanese songs that I pull out as a party trick at work-related functions.
Recent favourites because they are just fun, funny, silly, sing-a-long-songy, classics …etc..
Singing songs that are meant for guys, basically. They are nice and low and catchy and I just have a nicer bloke voice, basically. For example, She’s a Lady by Tom Jones? Loves it!!
Making guys sing songs that are meant for girls is always stupid and funny. Personal favourites include ‘Man I Feel Like a Woman’ or ‘Bootylicious’ (ie. “Kelly, Can you handle this ?”)
Musical theatre isn’t for everyone but when you karaoke with me… its a thing. The trick is to search the Musical / Shows name as if it is the artist. Often the case for the Disney movies. I’m loving I’ll Make a Man Out of You from Mulan … (I actually cannot believe that I am writing all of my ‘shame’ down for everyone to see right now… oh well.. I never pretend to be rock’n’roll. ) and You’re Welcome from Moana.
Nostalgic songs from the 80s (I’m an 80s baby) and the Full House theme song “Everywhere You Look” is in there. My friends know this. My friends no longer wish to know this as I’ve put in several hours of real-time “rehearsal” recently … and … the song is actual under one minute so my friends will just have to take a minute break from enjoying my company. My hubby also rocks a really good Richard Marx – remember Richard Marx? You should, man. You should. I also love me some Phil Collins.
Fresh Prince of Bel Air Theme Song. Thank you for Being a Friend (Golden Girls!!)
Anthems & Old School Rock is a must when you’re with new or kind of awkward people (like a work thing or dragged in with friends of friends etc.) Bohemian Rhapsody is a given. I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight…. Most Karaoke spots will also offer medleys of a big artist like Bon Jovi where its about a verse and a chorus of their best hits… that’s a fun thing to do with a friend actually… A Micheal Jackson Medley too, while you’re there. Sweet Child O Mine. Do it.
Everyone sings along songs like Bruno Mars songs or Baby I’m Worth It. All About That Bass…. My hubby and I love to kill (and I don’t mean in the good way but at the time we think in the good way…) the song… Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me … well actually … I just love being George and then screaming to my imaginary audience “Ladies & Gentleman, Mister Elton John” and wildly gesturing at my husband… Hey Ya! Thats pretty fun. Africa by Toto- everyone loves that song right?
If you have Japanese people who don’t speak English with you – always, always go with the Beatles. Even if you hate them. Trust me. I’ve tried and tested this many times over. And once all options are exhausted go back to MJ or go straight for Abba. I know… but if you need to seal the deal with a Japanese client.. you’re gonna have to do the cheesy stuff properly, ok?
Songs that are silly and make you feel douchey, but in a funny way, like No Diggity, Whatta Man, Talk Dirty to Me, Song For the Dumped, Despacito is awesome if you only know how to speak English too, by the way.
Recent disasters:
That time I thought I would sing This is Me from The Greatest Showman. And now I know why that woman is such a highly exclaimed vocal artist. I screeched my way through that like and was determined to finish. I sounded like a squeaky toy at the end.
That time I drunkenly selected Work Bitch by Britney Spears in a room full of people I’d just met. Never realized before that the words “Work Bitch” over and over make up 99.27% of the song. So now everyone in that room knows thinks I’m a teeny bopper with a potty mouth.
Stevie Wonder song, Don’t You Worry Bout a Thing, is nice and fresh in my memory because of the Trolls movie but … you know what wasn’t fresh in my memory? Errr…. the fact that he just rolls up and down scales during the chorus and … it… just got uncomfortable for all involved.
Chandelier by Sia. It’s a trap. Starts off easy and then you remember those Chandeli—-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee——eeee bits are around the corner.
Ok.. I’m stopping.
But that doesn’t mean I won’t be adding to this post whenever I’m hit with more deliciously cheesy inspiration….
*Oh and if you go in the daytime with kids? Did you know they have nursery rhymes too? Didn’t want to know that though, right? hahaaha.