Donating clothing in Japan isn’t as easy as you may imagine.
If you have beautiful vintage pieces in good condition you can always sell them at thrift shops and second hand shops like Book-Off or Hard-Off but what about items that are still good quality but you or your kids just don’t wear anymore….?
Important to note: Disposing of larger items such suitcases or strollers cost money get rid of. Even if you leave them in a hotel room you will be charged for the collecting fee. Japan is a country with minimal space and a lot of people. It’s not so easy to just get rid of bigger obects – good condition or not.
1. Take them to your closest H&M store
2. Post them to the Salvation Army Japan
The address is 2-17 Jinbo-cho, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
If you have any questions you can call 03-3237-0091 (English line open 9am-4pm Mon-Fri)
In some parts of Japan (some major cities) they may come and collect clothing items but you will need to call and check.
3. Uniqlo take donations (but only for second-hand Uniqlo clothing items)
4. Put the items on the Mottainai Japan group on Facebook.
This is not a re-selling group. This group is just for items being given away for free.
5. Sell them at your closest Off-House and Mode-Off stores
They do also accept children’s clothing.
6. Some local City Hall’s have a donation box
7. This company will take your second hand items but you need to buy a 3,300 yen kit online.