I have a few blog posts on how to order different versions of dishes in Japan and how to ask for something without something.
One of those blog posts is called Allergies and other Food Concerns in Japan.
But since the question about how to order a vegetarian version of okonomiyaki in Japanese comes up a lot so I thought I would focus on it here.
Hiroshima is generally “the place” to eat okonomiyaki but I have recommended other family-friendly okonomiyaki restaurants elsewhere in my blog ( namely : Kamakura, Shinjuku, Shibuya, Osaka, Asakusa and Kobe )
So, if you want to order okonomiyaki in Japan without the meat:
okonomiyaki ga tabetai desu. Shikashi,oniku ga taberenai no de, oniku wo nuite kudasai
I want to eat okonomiyaki. But, I can’t eat meat so please leave out the meat.
And if you don’t want them to add seaweed flakes or bonito flakes at the end?
Aonori to katsuobushi wo kakenaide kudasai
Please don’t sprinkle with seaweed and bonito flakes.

And when they get it right and you try it … don’t forget to give them a big smile and let them know it’s oishiiiii!!! ( delicious!)
If you like language help like this I recommend also reading my blog post for Anxious Parent Moments in Japan (things you can do in a medical emergency in Japan or if you can’t find your child for a moment.)
These are also my tips for what to do if you are having a hard time being understood in Japan.