A Beginner’s Guide to Japan: Observations & Provocations Pico Iyer * captures the cultural gap between the West & Japan – useful, even for, Japan long-termers
Black Rain Masuji Ibuse * a classic that talks about Hiroshima & post World War 2 Japan)
A Tale for the Time Ruth Ozeki
Breasts & Eggs Meiko Kawakami
Fiancee, Fear & Trembling Amelie Nothomb
Dog & Demons
Hokkaido Highway Blues Will Ferguson
I am a Cat Soseki Natsume
Just So Happens Fumio Obata
The Memory Police Yoko Ogawa
Ms Ice Sandwich Meiko Kawakami
Read Real Japanese * a collection of short stories written in English and Japanese
Rice Noodle Fish Matt Goulding
Seven Days of You Cecilia Vinesse
Spring Snow Yukio Mishima
Strange Weather in Tokyo Hiromi Kawakami
The Bells of Old Tokyo Anna Sherman
The Makioka Sisters
The Otori Trilogy ( and the follow on books) Lian Hearn
Tokyo on Foot Florent Chavouet
The Earthquake Doll Candace Williams
The Street of a Thousand Blossoms Gail Tsukiyama
The Samurai’s Garden Gail Tsukiyama
Kazuo Ishiguro
Yoko Tawada