Written by Guest Blogger Minnemijin Smit.
As everyone’s experiences and tips are different ( especially when traveling with little kiddies, right?) I was very much open to extra tips and trip advice from Guest Blogger Minnemijin Smit, a Mum of 2 children from the Netherlands.
Additional Naoshima tip: if you can, avoid visiting Naoshima on a Monday as the Main Museum and most of the restaurants are closed.
For the main museum, remember to book a timed entry ticket for the Chiku Art Museum or you’ll miss the main attraction.
First-hand Naoshima recommendation #1
I would recommend sleeping in the Mongolian Yurt right on the beach. It is so much fun with the kids!
It is actually very close to the benesse house and the yellow pumpkin.
The Tsutsujiso lodge Has 10 Mongolian Yurts and 3 caravans you can rent.
We enjoyed our Yurt very, very much
It was just so much fun.
In the Yurt there is a fridge and in the washing area there is a water-boiler and a microwave.
There are several picnic tables, so its easy to make your own breakfast or a simple dinner.
Here is the link to the Tsutsujiso Lodge in Naoshima
First-hand Naoshima recommendation #2
At the island café you can pre-order a BBQ, which is great fun!
We ordered for 2 people and had enough for the whole family. You get a lot of great seafood, veggies, meat and rice.
First-hand Naoshima recommendation #3
When you take the train to Uno, you can catch a ferry to the island.
It is also possible to take your own car on some of the ferries. Worth looking into.
First-hand Naoshima recommendation #4
Rent electric bikes and book them in advance, you do not want to miss out.
There is bus going around the island, but the advantage of the bike is that you can explore the island, see more outdoor sculptures, find many nice, small playgrounds and easily visit one of the supermarkets.
First-hand Naoshima recommendation #5
After your time on the island, at the shore of Uno, there are some fun artworks made of ocean plastics and many of them have playground slides inside.
Visit the Spider Web Sculpture, right at the harbor of Naoshima.
It’s in the perfect spot.
Minnemijin is the Mum of a family of 4 from Amsterdam in the Netherlands and are travelling around the world for 7 months ( with a whole month of those 7 in Japan.)
Her children are 4.5 & 3 years old.
See here for additional Naoshima with kids tips.