Will you be able to stream tv from your hotel in Japan?
In most cases – no.
People think of Japan as being the height of technological progress but in many instances this is not the case at all. Most hotels are not set up with up to date tvs (even many of the fancy ones).
However, if you pay for Apple Tv, Amazon Prime, Disney+ or Netflix you will be able to stream on your own phone or ipad. It will be the Japanese version of these streaming services so there will be some differences in program options.

In order to be able to watch these on the go, I recommend making sure you have pocket wifi so that you can stream on trains or wherever you are.
My favourite company to purchase pocket wifi from is Japan Wireless and I have a 25% off discount link. This is an affiliate link and I receive a small commission, at no additional cost to you, when you click through and make a purchase via the link here .
Japan Wireless also have an option now for esims so you also don’t need to pick up or return a box at all – you just pay on their site and receive a QR code and off you go! Please use their “e-sims supported phones list” before making a purchase – the list is easily found on their homepage.
I talk more here on the importance of having internet at all times while you are in Japan.