Show and point or try these out yourself (why not ! If you get it wrong it’ll just make for funny memories!!…and then tell me how it went!)
Highchair = ベビーチェア (pronounced Bebee Che-a)
*Side note: Here are the restaurants I recommend that have high chairs for families to use in Tokyo.
Change Table = おむつ交換台 (pronounced Omutsu-koukan-dai)
Nappies / Diapers = おむつ (pronounced Omutsu)
Formula = 粉ミルク(pronounced Konamiruku)
Let’s play together = 一緒に遊びましょう(pronounced Isshoni-asobimasho)
Stroller = ベビーカー(pronounced Be-bee Ka as in “baby car”)
Cot or Crib. = ベビーベッド (pronounced Be-Bee Beddo as in “baby bed”)
Pack & Play / Portable Cot = 折り畳み式ベビーベッド (pronounced Oritatami shiki be-bee beddo)
Where should I put my stroller? = ベビーカーをどこに置けばいいですか? (pronounced Be-bee Kaa o do ko ni okeba ii desuka?)
Do you have a kid’s menu? = キッズメニューはありますか? (pronounced Kizz menyu- wa arimasu ka?)
Please don’t do that = やめてください (pronounced Yamate kudasai)
The baby is sleeping = 赤ちゃんは寝ています(pronounced Akachan wa neteimasu)
See here for my tips on ordering for someone with dietary restrictions or allergies.
If you like tips like this, then I’m sure that you’ll also enjoy reading My Family’s Safety Rules in Japan .
Here are tips on how to, for example, order a vegetarian okonomiyaki.