I think this common question needs its own blog post as many people ask me what kind of luggage or what kind of suitcase to take to Japan. 

What kind of luggage should I use for my trip to Japan?
I think it is best to travel like a local and locals in Japan almost always use a hardshell suitcase with 4 wheels. 
A hardshell suitcase with 4 wheels is easy to roll along the streets and on to elevators and also doesn’t cause the owner any pain to move around. 

Since this is the most commonly used suitcase type, it also means that luggage forwarding companies are also most familiar with this type of luggage in Japan.  
Also taxi drivers will be used to accommodating this type of luggage  and this style of luggage is easiest for hotels to store and keep safe and easy to access (from someone who used to work in a Japanese hotel – trust me on this one.) 

The driver helping me load my 4 wheeler hard suitcase in a van that time I had a private transfer with my family in Japan. 

Why not large hiking style backpacks instead of suitcases when travelling in Japan? 
I speak a bit about this in my blog post called “How to not look completely clueless when you arrive in Japan” but.. Japan has small hallways, small restaurants and small shops. Wearing a big backpack will not only limit where you can go but it is also considered to be rude to be taking up that additional space – especially on public transport (polite thing is to take it off or wear on your front.) 

And what about hand luggage?
This isn’t a luggage type recommendation but I find that, when possible, I think it’s easiest if only adults have hand luggage (this gets harder as kids get older.) 
I know, in theory, it sounds perfect that everyone has their own backpack or shoulder bag to carry their own stuff, right? 
But I find with kids it’s just more things to get lost and forgotten and often adults end up having to carry their child’s belongings as well as their own. 
So, while you can – keep it to one or two adults holding the toys and flight entertainment and snacks for the plane etc – handing them out as you go.  
See here if you’d like to know what medical and other practical items I also put in my hand luggage.

Where to buy suitcases while in Japan?
I recommend looking at Don Quijote, a store called Ginza Karen, your closest Aeon Mall or discount stores like this one called “Olympic” in Koenji (short train ride from Shinjuku.) 

Olympic Discount Store in Koenji. Suitcases for sale on the second floor.

Have a good passport wallet
In Japan you are required to keep your passport on you at all times.  I have a family passport wallet like this (I have a link here but it’s not an affiliate or anything- just an example. I think it’s important for it to have a zip so nothing falls out in your bag and it’s harder for it to get water on your passport in the rain etc too. I also keep a pen and any frequent flyer cards and keys for any suitcase padlocks there too.)  I find it easier if the passport holder is a completely different colour to my wallet- just easier to find in my handbag.

Which handbag or backpack do I like to use while getting around everywhere in Japan?
I’m not an affiliate or anything (although they are welcome to send me a free bag anytime if they want to!!!) but I love my Vestiri bag for getting around Japan – including at Disneyland. I love how it can be a shoulder bag or a backpack.  I own two now! I have the Bella in Black and the XL Bella in Brown.

I’m not an affiliate or anything (although they are welcome to send me a free bag anytime if they want to!!!) but I love my Vestiri bag for getting around Japan – including at Disneyland. I love how it can be a shoulder bag or a backpack.  I own two now! I have the Bella in Black and the XL Bella in Brown.

See here for my month by month what to pack for a holiday in Japan advice here.  
