I’m getting this question lots about where to buy a second hand kimono in Japan lately so I thought I’d just put the info here. 

Just to be clear, it is probably a yukata you’re after more than a kimono – a yukata is like a summer kimono.  The fabric is thin and there are often more whimsical and lighter coloured patterns. 

Now if you are looking to spend the big bucks on an authentic kimono then I recommend you start at the high end department stores like Mitsukoshi, Marui, Sogo and Takashimaya. 

But if you’re looking for a second-hand kimono to take home as a souvenir (and not breaking the bank while doing it),  these are the places I recommend :

Second hand store chain : Chicago
These are all over Japan.  The Harajuku/Omotesando Branch sticks out in my head the most because they often spill out onto the Main Street with their clothing racks on the weekends. 
I’ve bought second hand yukata from here a few times.   Prices ranged from 2000-5000 yen.  I had to sift through different options and belts etc to find what I wanted. 

Yukata from Chicago Second Hand Store.

Second hand kimono and yukata sold here: Basement of Nakano Broadway, Tokyo
There’s a used kimono store in the basement of Nakano Broadway.
Go to Nakano Station. Enter Nakano Broadway via the Sun Mall  side and walk until you see a down escalator on your left.
Go down and U-turn to your right. The second hand store will be on your right hand side (if you get to the food market, you have gone too far.) 

The Flea Market in Yurakucho, Tokyo
Warning – this is popular with international visitors. But there is such a big selection here. 

At Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto
Up the stairs, past the food stalls are so many second hand kimono stalls. 

And what about purchasing a new yukata or jimbei for kids?
In the summer months (and some weeks in Spring) stores Toys R Us and Akachanhompo sell yukata and jimbei for kids at very reasonable prices. Google “Toys R Us near me” “Babies R Us near me” and “Akachanhompo near me” for your closest option.

A Jinbei for babies and toddlers. I bought this at Toys R Us in summer.

Or how about purchasing some jewellery made of repurposed kimono fabric? 
These truly unique pieces are made by the designer , Victoria Close (who is originally from the UK but now lives in Tokyo.)   She uses vintage kimono fabrics and repurposes them into stunning pieces of jewellery.  These make the ideal gift or Japan memento for some self-gifting too!

The best way to see, hunt down and contact Bikudesigns is via her Bikudesigns instagram (to follow and stay up-to-date with their movements, pop-up shops and new pieces.  ) Go here to start shopping on the Bikudesigns website . 
She also has the most lovely youtube channel called “Studio Biku.”

Biku Designs

I also recommend her christmas bauble workshops (doesn’t have to be christmas actually – you could use it however you like)  made of repurposed kimono.  They are great for kids or adults. 

My daughter – very proud of her repurposed kimono creation with BikuDesigns.
My son was, understandably, super proud of this bauble that he made too.


Or how about a handmade dress or outfit made from Kimono fabric? 
Tokyo Kaleidoscope 
Lia aka Tokyo Kaleidoscope , makes these unique pieces herself in Tokyo.  See the Tokyo Kaleidoscope website for more information here. 
Please note that there is a little bit of wait time for bespoke orders so please check the Tokyo Kaleidoscope website for order timing info. 

Photo by Fabian Parker

See here for my other favourite items to buy as souvenirs (for me or for others) while in Japan. 
